Self-Care Tips To Reduce Stress While Travelling

While some may argue that traveling is part of self-care on its own, there are certain things that still need to be included as a form of self-care even when you are on a self-care trip.

With all the activities we engage in, and the constant curiosity to explore a new place, there are days that require a different form of self-care which is what we are covering in this blog post.

Self-care can take place anywhere in the world which is why we are focusing on how to get into self-care while you are traveling. It can include activities such as taking a walk, eating a healthy meal, listening to music, spending time with friends, meditating, or engaging in hobbies.

Can you practice self-care while traveling

Yes, it is possible to practice self-care while traveling. Try to maintain healthy habits such as eating nutritious meals, exercising regularly, limiting alcohol and caffeine consumption, and getting plenty of sleep.

Taking time to relax and do activities that make you happy is also important. Consider bringing items from home that will make you feel more relaxed such as a book or journal, favorite snacks, or an eye pillow for meditation.

Creating a self-care plan before or during your travels can help you maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

Things you can bring from home for self-care


Candles form part of self-care rituals because candles provide a soothing ambiance as well as an aroma that can help to relax the mind and body. The flickering of the candlelight can help to create a calming atmosphere which creates a conducive environment for self-care and introspection.

They also provide aromatherapy benefits which help to reduce stress and anxiety. Lastly, some people find the process of lighting a candle and setting an intention to be calming and centering.

Fragrance Diffusers

Fragrance diffusers can form part of self-care. Fragrance diffusers can be used to fill a room with a pleasant aroma, helping to reduce stress and promote relaxation. The use of fragrance diffusers can also promote an overall sense of well-being, making it an excellent addition to a self-care routine.

Can you travel with candles and fragrance diffusers?

Yes, you can travel with candles and fragrance diffusers, as long as they meet the requirements for items allowed in your particular airline’s air cargo. However, some airlines may not allow you to transport them in your carry-on luggage. Check with your airline for their specific rules.

Items for self-care to travel with

Travel Journal


Yoga Mat

Lavender Essential Oil

Eye Mask

Reusable Water Bottle

Aromatherapy Diffuser

Face Mists

Comforting Snacks

Portable Charger

Additional Self-Care Tips To Reduce Stress While Travelling

Pack light: Don’t overburden yourself with heavy luggage. Packing lighter will help reduce the stress of carrying around too much stuff.

Take breaks: Instead of trying to rush to your destination, take breaks and allow yourself time to rest. This will help restore your energy and reduce your stress levels.

Stay hydrated: Being dehydrated can make you feel more stressed and irritable. Drink plenty of water throughout your journey.

Get enough sleep: Make sure that you’re getting enough rest so that you can stay focused and alert.

Bring snacks: Pack healthy snacks such as fruit, nuts, and protein bars to keep your energy up and reduce stress levels

Listen to music: Put on some music that helps you relax and enjoy your journey

Meditate or practice yoga: Take some time to practice meditation or yoga to help relieve stress

Stay organized: Keep all of your travel documents, tickets, and other items organized so you don’t have to worry about them

Stay connected: If you have access to the internet, stay connected to friends and family back home. This will help keep you grounded and reduce stress.

Hotel Self Care ideas

Take some time out of your day to relax with a warm bubble bath and/or sauna visit.

Schedule an in-room massage or facial to pamper yourself.

Make a healthy breakfast or snack such as oatmeal with fruit or yogurt and granola.

Utilize the hotel’s gym or pool facilities to stay active during your stay.

Read a book or magazine in bed and enjoy the peace and quiet.

Turn off all electronics for an hour and practice mindfulness activities like meditating or yoga.

Order room service and have a movie night on your own private balcony

Capture the moment by taking a few photos from your window

Go for a walk in the area nearby to explore the city and get a bit of fresh air

Spend some time writing in your journal about your experiences so far

Listen to some soothing music or create a calming playlist to de-stress

Take advantage of other hotel services like laundry and dry cleaning to make your stay easier

Hostel self-care ideas

Take a long, hot bath or shower.

Practice yoga or meditation.

Get plenty of rest and uninterrupted sleep.

Read a book or watch a feel-good movie.

Make a cup of tea or hot cocoa and relax.

Make yourself a healthy snack.

Take a walk outside in nature.

Talk to a friend or family member you trust.

Write in a journal.

Listen to music that makes you feel good.

Volunteer in your community

Do something creative like drawing or painting

Do something you enjoy like playing a game

Help someone else out with something

Take a few deep breaths and focus on the present moment.

Make your bed each morning!

Take a relaxing bubble bath

Take a walk in nature

Read a book

Listen to your favorite music

Make a delicious meal

Do some yoga or stretching

Journal your thoughts and feelings

Write down things you are grateful for

Take a nap

Get some fresh air by going outside

Spend quality time with friends or family

Create a vision board

Pamper yourself with a mani/Pedi

What other forms of self-care tips do you feel were not included that we can just add here? I look forward to hearing about your own self-care tips in the comments .

Enjoyed reading this blog, check out some more juicy tips on this blog here.

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